Friends of Romsey Abbey Choirs

The Friends of Romsey Abbey Choirs (FORAC) engages families and friends in the life of all the choirs and helps them to keep going. Romsey Abbey does not benefit from the relative financial security provided by a choral foundation, as enjoyed by many cathedral choirs.


FORAC’s support, both financial and social, makes possible a range of activities that would be otherwise beyond our means.


FORAC events are organized by a working committee. Its terms of reference are as follows:


To strengthen links with the church by encouraging the recruitment of non-singing members and by supporting parish initiatives.

To encourage social fellowship, by co-ordinating and organizing events, and by communicating through channels including Keynotes, Open Door and the Weekly Bulletin.

To achieve greater general awareness of the choirs of Romsey Abbey, by publicizing their activities on the Internet, helping to organise singing visits to other locations, both within the diocese and further afield.

To support the Directors of Music in all aspects of organization, by raising and managing funds in support of choral activities, and by providing a forum for discussion on related non-singing matters.


FORAC 100 Club


The 100 Club has the aim of supporting musical opportunities for the Abbey Choristers, such as Cathedral tours.


It is a club lottery in which members have one or more numbers in a monthly draw. Three prizes are awarded every month, whose value totals half of the monthly subscriptions received.


Membership is open to members of the congregation, as well as chorister parents and members of the choir.  The annual subscription is £30 for each number in the draw, and members can choose how many entries they would like, e.g. £60 per year for two numbers.


If you would like to support Abbey music in this way, please contact