Parish Environment Group

The Parish Environment Group (PEG) works to raise awareness in the Abbey and St Swithun’s congregations and in the wider community of environmental issues so as to help us lighten our footprint on God’s earth.
Since it was formed in 2017 the PEG has
- Held compline services followed by a twilight walk to study bats around the Abbey.
- Installed nesting boxes under the eaves of the church rooms to attract swifts.
- Held an event to highlight the importance of bees.
- Established a wildflower area at St Swithun’s.
- Built a ‘bug hotel’ in the Abbey’s South Garth.
- Encouraged the use of eco-friendly cleaning products.
- Applied for EcoChurch status with A Rocha UK.
- Started a series of environment-focused talks.
In July 2019, gained A Rocha UK’s silver award for the Abbey and St Swithun’s. This is based on our performance in the areas of worship and teaching; how our buildings and land are managed; how we engage with our local community and are involved in global campaigns; the personal lifestyles of our congregations. Only 6 churches have a higher gold award.
Photo Gallery
Below we have our photo gallery with Spotted orchids thriving at St Swithun’s, Romsey Abbey on the 2017 Compline and Bat Walk where around 50 people took part, churches together in Romsey – Rogation walk 2019 by one of the braids of the River Test (the Test Mill Stream), and a bee-themed Diocesan schools service in Romsey Abbey in July 2019.
Winchester diocese environment page
Transition town Romsey
Packaging-free food and more in Romsey
Met Office information on climate change
If you are interested in the work of the group or have an issue you would like to raise with us please contact