Weddings in the Abbey

We are delighted to be able to conduct weddings in the Abbey and ask that you direct your enquiry regarding an existing or new booking to the  who will be pleased to assist you. Let us help make your special day memorable!


We are delighted that you are getting married – and that you may be looking at Romsey Abbey as the perfect place. We can help with advice on every aspect of your wedding ceremony. Maybe you would like a wedding blessing in one of the small chapels in the Abbey or combine a more traditional service with a thanksgiving for your children? The size and architecture of the Abbey provides an inspiring setting and enables you to invite a large number of guests, if you wish. You’ll enjoy a walk down the aisle together that you won’t forget!


While thinking of dates, please note that we do not hold weddings in the week before Easter or Christmas as these days are needed for celebrating our major festivals.


Our Director of Music will be happy to help with advice on your choice of music, and you can also choose readings or poems which have a special meaning for you. We also offer practical advice as you organise your wedding day and thoughts on preparing for your married life together.


Here are the steps to getting you up the aisle:

    1. If you would like to book your wedding at the Abbey, the first step is to make an appointment to meet one of our clergy team. Appointments usually take place on a Sunday evening , prior to our Evensong service. Booking is essential via the Parish Office (open Monday to Friday 9am – 3.00pm). At this meeting, the duty clergy member can answer your questions, check availability of the Abbey and complete the initial paperwork. We kindly ask you bring photo ID and if one or both of you are divorced, please see the additional guidance below.

    2. REMEMBER When choosing your wedding date, keep in mind there are specific times in the church calendar which may prevent you from marrying in the Abbey. Practicalities for the Abbey mean that during specific Holy times such as Christmas and Easter we are unable to have a wedding.

    3. The Parish Office will follow up on your booking and write to you to confirm the date and time.

    4. The Parish Office will liaise with you to confirm your requirements and to put you in touch with the member of the clergy team taking your service. This will include meeting with the priest taking your wedding to enable you to get to know each other.

    5. Planning your service. Think about music, readings and personalising your service to make it special to you. Our Abbey choristers may be available, but of course you may wish to use your own music or musicians too. We are able to livestream the service on the web if you have family and friends unable to attend (subject to availability of our tech team)

    6. Come and listen to your Banns. They are usually read at the Abbey on the first three Sundays of the month before your wedding, just before the main 9.30am service. It is an important part of the run-up to your wedding day and it is lovely if you are able to come and hear them.

    7. Rehearsals are usually the night before the wedding and provide a chance to run through the ceremony with all the main players!

    8. The Big Day – we will do everything we can to make your ceremony the most memorable and enjoyable part of your day as you begin a new chapter together!

You will find more details of service planning, music and ideas for your wedding on the Church of England website set up especially for couples like you – please visit

A good starting point to make the plans for your ceremony would be to make use of the Church of England wedding planner.

The Church of England rules that govern where you can get married have got a great deal easier, too. You may marry at the Abbey if you can prove that you meet one of the following criteria:

    • one of you was baptised or prepared for confirmation in the parish of Romsey;

    • one of you has at any time lived in the parish for six months or more;

    • one of you has at any time regularly attended public worship in the parish for six months or more;

    • one of your parents has lived in the parish for six months or more in your lifetime;

    • one of your parents has regularly attended public worship here for six months or more in your lifetime;

    • either your parents or grandparents were married in the parish.

If either or both of you are divorced, with your former spouse still living, before you begin to plan your wedding , please click on this link for guidance prepared by the Church of England.

Wedding fees for 2025 are available here Wedding fees 2025

Getting married in another parish?

Congratulations! In the run-up to your Big Day, bear in mind that you need to get your Banns read here in Romsey. This is a public announcement of your forthcoming wedding, made at our 9.30am Service on the first three Sundays in the month before you get married. To apply for the reading of your Banns, please click on the link and complete the form:

Application for reading of BANNS where the wedding is in another parish


Alternativley contact Romsey Abbey Parish Office:

Church Lane, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 8EP

Tel: 01794 513125 | Email:



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