Electoral roll

The Parish Electoral Roll

In the Church of England, the Electoral Roll is a parish’s register of electors that gives individuals the right to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), where the elections take place to choose our PCC and other officers. It is also our membership list, showing the number of people we can count upon as committed members of the churches in the Parish of Romsey, whether you worship in the Abbey or at St Swithun’s at Crampmoor.


We hope you will want to engage fully with the life of the Parish and signing up to the Electoral Roll indicates your willingness to belong, participate and contribute in the many and varied activities that take place during the year. When you complete the form you are asked to signify that you meet a number of requirements and these are set out on the application form.


The Roll is used to determine eligibility for attendance and participation at the annual Parochial Church Meeting and for election to the Parochial Church Council. It is also used to determine eligibility for election to the Deanery, Diocesan and General Synods.


You are asked to complete an application form to join the Roll and membership lasts for six years. Every sixth year we have to prepare a completely new Roll to ensure it is accurate and everyone will need to submit a new application.


The Roll is reviewed during the year to allow changes to be made when the circumstances and information about individuals needs revising. To allow the Roll to be an accurate record you are asked to inform the Electoral Roll Officer when any changes occur. You may of course be a full and active member of the churches in the Parish, regarding  either of them as your spiritual home, without joining the Roll.  However if you wish to stand for election to any of the roles relating to the governance of the Parish, then your name must be on the Roll.


The Parish takes the importance of safeguarding the personal data of individuals provided on the application form very seriously.  Access to information on the Roll is restricted to the people shown in Annex 1. However we are required to display the Roll in each church in the Parish for not less then 14 days during the period of revision to allow individuals to check their details and it is important that by signing up to the Roll you realise you are consenting to the publication of your name and address for viewing in each church at that time.


In addition to your name and address you are also asked for your phone and email contact.  These additional details will not be published during the revision period, but will allow us to keep you informed of events and news from within the parish and diocese.  Email is a very cost effective way for us to stay in touch.  We undertake to use your contact information only in relation to church, parish or diocesan matters (ie services at the cathedral, the bishop writing to all pew-members, etc) and to keep that information secure.


You retain the right to change your mind at any time.  At a diocesan level your information will be stored in a database only accessible to diocesan staff.  It is diocesan policy not to disclose this information to any third parties.


To exercise all relevant rights, queries or complaints in respect of the personal information we hold on you, in the first instance please contact:


the Parish Administrator at Romsey Abbey Parish Office on 01794 513125 or via email to: parishoffice@romseyabbey.org.uk

Click Here for a copy of the 2024 Electoral Roll - Updated 28 Dec 2024


    1. How do I add my name to the Roll?

You can only be added to the Electoral Roll if you complete, sign and return your form to the Electoral Roll Officer.

    1. When can I add my name to the Roll?

Names can be added to, or removed from the Roll, at any time during the year.

    1. How can I remove my name from the Roll?

You may ask for your name to be removed from the Electoral Roll by writing to the Electoral Roll Officer.

    1. Who has access to my information?

See Annex 1 below

    1. I live in the parish; won’t I automatically be on the Roll?

Living in the parish will not automatically add you to the Electoral Roll.

    1. I live outside the Parish; may I still join the Roll? (See Annex 2 for the Parish Boundaries)

Living outside the Parish will not stop you joining the Roll.

    1. I attend services in the Parish regularly; won’t I automatically be on the Roll?

Coming to church regularly or giving regularly will not automatically add you to the Electoral Roll.

    1. Is there a financial implication for the Parish if I apply to be on the Roll?

No, the number of people on the Electoral Roll is not used to determine the amount the Parish contributes to the ‘Common Mission Fund’ previously called the ‘Parish Share’.

    1. Where do I get an application form?

There are three ways to obtain an application form:
– Copies are available in each church in the Parish

– A copy is available for downloading from this website

Apply using our online version of the form to join the electoral roll

Completed forms should be returned, by posting to the Parish office, for the attention of the Electoral Roll Officer, or as an email attachment to: ero@romseyabbey.org.uk


Annex 1

Those who have access to information on the Electoral Roll include:

    • The Clergy
    • The Church Wardens
    • The PCC secretary
    • The Parish Administrative Officer
    • The Electoral Roll Officer


Annex 2

The Map showing the Parish boundaries for Romsey.


You may access this map to enlarge it and see more detail at: www.achurchnearyou.com/church/18507/