Our Mission
Living, Loving, Serving
at the Heart of Romsey
Living – Life
- Called by God to live life in all its fullness.
- Supporting and seeking the life of our town, our local environment and the wider world.
- Enabling people to live God’s life to the full in their daily lives as much as within the church.
- ‘I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.’ John 10.10
- We worship and respond to God whose life is present in people and events outside the church as much as inside, through the Holy Spirit.
Loving – Love
- Called and transformed by the love of God made known in Jesus Christ.
- Having a heart and compassion for the people of Romsey
- Loving God with all our heart and loving our neighbours as ourselves. Mk 12.30-31; Matt 22.37-39; Lk 10.27
- Growing in the love of God through inclusive liturgy, worship and common life.
- Recognising God whose love is close to everyone but especially those facing adversity.
Serving – Service
- Called to the service of others and putting God’s Kingdom before self.
- Serving the needs of our local community and contributing to the wider good.
- Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven.
- Following Jesus who came not to be served but to serve. Mk 10.45; Matt 20.28; Jn 13.1-17
- Recognising the signs of God’s Kingdom in the world and in the church.