Bells Against Cancer


In 2023 the ringing team at Romsey Abbey lost one of its most loyal members, Joy Scanlan. They are running a ringing event on 20th July 2024 in her memory to draw attention to the need to support Cancer Research. Many ringers across the country, including the Abbey team, have been affected by cancer and many have survived. All the money collected during this ringing event will be donated to Cancer Research, Charity Number 1089464.


The programme for ringing on the day will be:


09.30 Bells to be rung up.

10.00 All bells strike the hour (firing)

10.05 Up and Down the Scales (called changes on 76543218)

10.25 Superlative Surprise Major – chosen for its musical qualities

10.45 Grandsire Triples (the first change-ringing method dating from 1684)

11.00 Tenor strikes the hour

11.05 Plain Bob Major

11.25 St Merwenna Bob Triples (first named and rung at Romsey in1996)

11.45 Kings and Queens (called changes on 13572468)

12.00 All 8 bells strike the hour (firing)


Thank you for supporting our campaign and we hope that you enjoyed our bellringing. Donations closed on 31 July 2024. The final amount collected will be posted here when the final counting is complete and the figures have been signed off by the Abbey Treasurer.