Leaving a Legacy



We are stewards of everything we own and gifts in wills are a natural part of our giving.

The Church encourages all adult members

  • to make a will, so your wishes are recorded;·        
  • to review it regularly (say every five years) and update if necessary;
  • to provide adequately for your earthly family;
  • to consider leaving a gift to your church family and/or favourite charity.

For more than a thousand years, the people of Romsey have been generously supporting our Abbey and its work through gifts in wills, large and small.

If you would like to include the Parish of Romsey in your Will, you can contact the Parish Legacy Officer through the Parish Office (contact us).

The Legacy Officer will be able to discuss with you your options, with no obligation, regarding your decision to leave a legacy.

If you prefer, you can leave a legacy to the Romsey Abbey Appeal Fund. This helps to maintain to the fabric of our beautiful building.

Any legacy left to a charity like Romsey Abbey is tax-free.

We strongly advise you to see a solicitor when writing or amending your will but, if you would like to support us, the following is the Church of England’s suggesting wording for your will.


I give ………………% of my residuary estate OR I give £………… (GBP only) free of all taxes to Romsey Abbey Parochial Church Council General Fund (charity registration no. 1133189) OR Romsey Abbey Appeal Fund (charity registration no. 266393) in the Diocese of Winchester, and I declare that the receipt of an officer of the Parochial Church Council shall be sufficient discharge to my executors and trustees.


What will the Parish do with my legacy?

Most church members give regularly to the church and this generosity maintains the day to day mission and ministry of the parish. It is the policy of the Parochial Church Council that legacy gifts will be used to help fund development projects which may include buildings, equipment or staff. We will be happy to discuss possible uses of gifts with the executors when the time comes, in order to ensure that we take account of the donor’s known areas of interest in the church and the Parish priorities at the time.

The purpose of the policy is to give donors confidence that their gift will be used to make a real difference to future mission and ministry, rather than being used for day to day running costs.

Our Legacy Policy (PDF, November 2019)

Find out more on the Church of England’s official Leaving a Legacy website